Community for bootstrapped founders

Community for bootstrapped founders

Indie Worldwide is a community for bootstrapped startup founders.

Get introduced to a like-minded founder every week. We match you based on revenue and shared interests. You also get access to monthly founder meetups, a private slack with 2k+ members, and $20k+ in discounts for your business.
Building a startup is hard. With the right friends, it's fun too.
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Build a network of startup founders rooting for your success. Get introduced to a like-minded founder every week via email. You'll get matched with founders with similar revenue and shared interests.

Why should I sign up?

Founder Meetups

You don't need to live in Silicon Valley to build an amazing network. Meet other founders wherever you are in the world. See upcoming meetups on the event calendar.
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Partner Deals

You can save thousands of dollars with our discount codes and partner deals. Take advantage of $20,000+ in benefits for your startup with companies like Stripe, MongoDB, and AWS.
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Private Slack

Brainstorm ideas, find partners, and get pushed to keep building. Our moderated slack group has 100+ weekly-active members. Smart founders leverage the community to answer the questions you can't google.
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Expert Q&A Sessions

You could spend $200,000 on an MBA and learn how to shuffle papers faster. Or you could talk to real founders building multi-million dollar businesses. You'll meet founders who've done it all before sharing their hard-won lessons with the next generation of founders.
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